Piaggio today officially announced their new 3-wheeled scooter, dubbed the Mp3 (insert 'goes for a song', 'lyrical design', iScoot or other pun here). While the name might be silly, the scooter itself isn't - pretty innovative approach to performance and handling. Piaggio touts that it can handle street conditions that wouldn't really be possible even for an experienced 2-wheel rider, stops on a dime (3 disc brakes) and that it can tilt 40 degrees.
I wanted to find this out for myself, so I called up Vespa of Houston to see when they might have some in to go test drive. Turns out, not for a while. Though nowhere in the release info does it say so, it's a pretty good bet that this thing will start out in the European market. Luis at Vespa Houston stated that, based on the experience of other Vespa/Piaggio product introductions, it will most likely be four months to a year before they are sold here. Start saving.
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