NEXT MONTHLY RIDE: Sunday, June 6th
Meetup: 2 PM @ Beer Island

Friday, May 19, 2006

Tag Card Front-webDo the math. As many of us as there are, I usually see atleast ten scooters I've never seen before in the time between running into two familiar faces. Scootering is on the rise in Houston, and there are hundreds of folks out there who might like to meetup for a ride.

So, along with anyone else that feels like participating, I am making some business-card sized 'tags', complete with a rubber band, that I am going to start placing on the grips of as many mystery scoots as I can find. The goal is to get more people at the rides and to let them know there is a diverse group of fellow scooternerds out there. Tag Card reverse-web

The front (left) has the classic 'Uncle Sam Wants You!' poster (we are the Battalion, afterall) and on the rear is just a screen of the website logo and the URL. Simple, and hopefully curiosity inspiring.

I hope to begin printing, cutting and assembling the tags over the next week (most of which I will be out of town) and then to start placing them on scoots the following weekend. It'll be interesting to see if it works.

If you want to get your hands on some tags to do your own guerilla operations, email me: ryan at scooterbattalion dot com.


Blogger a d r said...

Will Do!

9:36 AM


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