NEXT MONTHLY RIDE: Sunday, June 6th
Meetup: 2 PM @ Beer Island

Friday, October 20, 2006

I heart my hood.

Who knew there was a band called Montrose, and that they have a song about a Bad Motor Scooter. Have a good weekend.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Halloween Ride - Detailz

Big up's to Chainsaw Em for putting together a ride on Halloween Night (and for running the Battalion's Myspace page too). It's halloween, so dress you and your scooter up for this ride - everyone attending should bring $5 to drop into the pot, winners split the earnings. Meetup at Beer Island (Studemont and White Oak in the Heights) at 7pm, ride leaves at eight and crawls its way to a few local bars (Poison Girl, Rudyards and Dirt Bar) so you can show off. Yeah.

Lookin for a dime? Top of the Line?

There is a scooter (can't figure out what the brand is - PGO maybe? less reputable brand in all likelyhood) for sale on Craig's List. Ordinarily, this wouldn't bear mention except that it has been signed by Mike Jones.

Also, it goes without saying that it has been some time since this site has been updated. Blame the nice weather.