A Bit Nippy Ride!

What better way to start the new year, than to do it on yer bike?! With all your classic biking and scooter-ing friends! Up Nawth they call them Freeze Your Balls Off (FYBO) rides, or Polar Bear rides. We won't have to be nearly as tough to get out on our bikes on 1-1-10. So I think we should.
Ride your classic motorcycle or scooter to the Tall Texan at 10:00am. Our friend Jamie has made special arrangements for free breakfast tacos for us. We'll then ride to the Shady tavern at noon, and then on to the West Alabama Ice House at 2:00.
Please spread the word. Hope to see you there.
Note: There's no charge for any of this. We just want to ride with our friends on January 1st.