NEXT MONTHLY RIDE: Sunday, June 6th
Meetup: 2 PM @ Beer Island

Friday, April 30, 2010

Blogger sucks!

Blogger sucks and so we're moving. Sorry for the inconvenience. The Scooter Battalion's online clubhouse is now at, and things don't look so pretty there but we'll have it all spiffed up in no time. And, in the future, you'll also be able to access us at as well.

In the meantime, please join us for Pawdrophenia. It's a great time and a good cause.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The May Ride is Pawdrophenia III !

This May 2nd will be the third annual Pawdrophenia Ride, with a new route, new stops and much fun. Come spend a scootering afternoon for a good cause. (Route map to be added soon.)

Monday, April 05, 2010

This blog has moved

This blog is now located at
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